
Construction is under way at an airport. This map shows where the construction is taking place. If Road A and Road B are parallel, what is the distance from P to Q on Road C?433 feet975 feet1,050 feet1,477 feet

Accepted Solution

For this case we observe that we have a problem of similarity of triangles.
 We can then use the following relationship to solve the problem:
 [tex] \frac{650+x}{800+1200} = \frac{650}{800} [/tex]
 From here, we clear the value of x.
 We have then:
 [tex] 650+x = \frac{650}{800}(800+1200) [/tex]
 Rewriting we have:
 [tex] 650+x = \frac{650}{800}(2000) [/tex]
 [tex] 650+x = 1625 [/tex]
 [tex] x = 1625 - 650 [/tex]
 [tex] x = 975 feet [/tex]
 the distance from P to Q on Road C is:
 [tex] x = 975 feet [/tex]